Have you ever had potato pancakes or Latkes? They are really so easy and a little different than just fried hash browns. If you don't mind a little fat in your diet, these are really fun to try. I really love them. They can be served with applesauce or sour cream or whatever you like. You can eat them just the way they are.

Mix the egg, shredded onion and seasonings together in a large bowl. Add in the shredded potatoes but be sure you squeeze the liquid out of them. Add the flour and mix all together. They are that easy and ready to cook.

Drop the potatoe mixture into a pan with a littl hot canola or olive oil and fry until crispy and browned. MMMMMMM

These little crispy yummies are very easy to make and they are just different enough to shake things up a bit. Hope you will give them a try!
Potato Pancakes
• 4 large potatoes
• 1 yellow onion
• 1 egg, beaten
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
• ground black pepper to taste
• oil for frying
1. Finely grate potatoes with onion into a large bowl. Drain off any excess liquid.
2. Mix in egg, salt, and black pepper. Add enough flour to make mixture thick, about 2 to 4 tablespoons all together.
3. Turn oven to low, about 200 degrees F (95 degrees C).
4. Heat 1/4 inch oil in the bottom of a heavy skillet over medium high heat. Drop two or three 1/4 cup mounds into hot oil, and flatten to make 1/2 inch thick pancakes. Fry, turning once, until golden brown. Transfer to paper towel lined plates to drain, and keep warm in low oven until serving time. Repeat until all potato mixture is used.
Yes, I have made these several times for Eric. My dad used to make them all the time growing up, so I love them!